Saturday, December 24, 2011

My most exotic food!!!

My most exotic dish.
During my trip I ate many exotic dishes, but the most exotic one... was the one that I preprepared myself in Mexico. It started very innocently. I wanted to cook scramble eggs, so I went to the market. On one of the stands I found... cactus. I got know from the lady that was selling it how to cook it.

Eatable cactus.

So apparently I needed to fry it with onion, and tomatoes. So I also bought it. On the other stand I also found nicely looking flower, which I was told that it is possible to cook.

Eatable flower.

But my plan was to cook scramble eggs, and I did not wanted to change it, so I got eggs. I was almost leaving the market when I noticed.... fried ants.

Eatable ants ;)

I also bought fried ants, I came home and started to prepare my exotic meal. I chopped cactus, flower, onion and tomato.
All ingredients.

First I cooked cactus in the boiling water and then I fried it together with the onion. I added the flower and tomatoes and eggs. And finally I added the ants.

Frying process.
Indeed I created the most exotic scramble eggs ever! It had a very, very interesting taste with the crunchy ants ;)
And READY!!!

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