Monday, January 9, 2012

Slide shows!!!

It is high time for my public travel sideshows. I would like to share with others my adventures, stories and experience. I will illustrate my presentation with my photos. The most importantly I hope that I will manage to encourage or to inspire at least one person to travel. World is extremely fascinating, and backpacking is a great way to explore it. The most difficult step is to start, despite it is very simple. One have to just decide to put up an rucksack and start... follow your dreams...
I will give my presentation in Radom, Łódź and Warszawa. You are very welcome to come. Those presentation will be hold in Polish.

Radom 11 stycznia o godzinie 19:00 w Klub Strefa G2
Łódź  12 stycznia o godzinie 20.00 w Iron Horse
Warszawa 13 stycznia o godzinie 19.00 w Klubie Podróżnika


  1. Robinson....
    Happy new year, happy new life, happy many other trips and happy you !!!
    2012, the Maya's year... a big year.
    What about you now? You're back home, analyzing micro-organism??
    Hope to see you SOON.
    Un beso muyyy grande.

  2. a kiedy w Londku prezentacja??? Ida
