Saturday, December 24, 2011

100% Mexican party in Commitan

Francisco and his
Mexico famous drink.
Do you remember incredible Karolka, who I met in Brasilia during carnival? She has a good friend in Mexico, Francisco ala El Nuca. I contacted him through CouchSurfing platform and I got invitation for birthday party in Commitan!!! Since I was in San Cristobal De Las Casas I managed to hitchhike to Commitnan in two hours.

I arrived few hours before the party and I help Francisco with arrangements. He lived in incredible house together with his mother and the whole party took place in the courtyard. First guests that arrived KNEW ME!!! Initially I though it was impossible, but apparently Ana and Aurel were also couch surfers. Ana was browsing couch surfing profiles of people traveling nearby. She liked my profile and... she invited me for the same party. I did not check my emails after she sent her invitation but it was a great surprise.

Different types of chili.
During this party I had a pleasure to talk with quite a few Commitan people. During this party there were also... five types of chili. It was nicely labeled with differential strength. And I had feeling that all the food is just additive in order to eat more chili.

Since it was a Mexican party, there was also dancing salsa included. And since I already stayed quite a bit in Latin America my salsa abilities were appreciated and I was awarded special title: Master of "Polaco Salsa"!!!

Volunteer camp.
The next day I was invited to a beautiful farm by Ana Elena for a grill outside the town. On this farm, Ana's parents were organizing a volunteer camp/training on sustainable farming. Extremely interesting place.

Nuka's cat.

In total I stayed only two and a half days in Commitan, but I had a feeling that I managed to grasp a bit Mexican soul. Francisco, Muchas gracias!!!

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