Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sofa impressions

Now (now meaning when I am writing it and not when it will be  published) I am sitting on great sofa in a cafe and I almost forgot  how comfortable is to seat on the sofa. I just realized that I had never sat on sofa in Lao, Cambodia or in Thailand. When I had coffee, I  had it from the food stall or from a local restaurant where they had only chairs.

When did I last time sat on a couch? I am trying to recall. Maybe in India? Not in Kalkata, there I was staying with Kamil in a student flat, so they did not have unnecessary furniture in the flat. Not in Darjeeling. In Sikkim? Hm, I do  not recall any sofa. Verenasi, Agra or Rishikesh? No, rather not. Was  there any sofa in Leh? I do not think so, for sure not Under the bridge. No sofa in Moscow airport. Does it mean  that the last sofa that I sat was at my parents house in Lodz before I  left? Travel mates, if you recall any sofa on the way that I sat on,  let me know. Now I have to leave my comfortable sofa and catch a bus.

Bye, bye my most comfortable sofa on the way.

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