Thursday, February 17, 2011

Power of tsunami

Fisherman boat on the house moved by tsunami.
On 26 December 2004 tsunami that was triggered by earthquake hit the cost of Aceh, completely devastating the coastal line infrastructure. In Banda Aceh, capital city 150.000 were killed. In the last years the province was rebuild with the international help. Before the tsunami the whole province was in a kind of war state willing to gain independence from Indonesia. After the tsunami local politicians accepted to be a part of Indonesia and accepted international peace now there is peace in this province.

Electric generator 5km in land.
The solder points in the direction of sea.

In Banda Aceh there are two memories from tsunami. One is a fishermen boat on the inhabitant house that safe life of 59 people that were on the boat. The other one is huge floating electric generator ship that was dragged 5km in land by the wave!
Most of the houses on the coastline are new buildings since the old ones were completely destroyed. In most of the families someone died during the tsunami, there were also some villages completely wide up, where no on survived the incoming wave. This is a very difficult past for this nation and despite of this everyone on the street seems to be smiling and seems to be happy. Many people are shouting: "Hallo mister" - greeting every foreign.
Small Aceh girl.
Amazing that despite of this huge disaster people learnt to live happily afterwards.

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