Saturday, July 16, 2011

My 24h menu in Iquitos after boat trip.

Grilled fish with grilled platano.
I am asked quite often, especially by my grandparents: "Grandson, but what do you usually eat on your way?" My menu differ a lot and usually I try to eat the staff that the local people eat. For sure my favourite dining place is Mercado (Market).

The river boat to Iquitos arrived in the early afternoon. Within two hours I got a map of the city and found nice hostel (in a shared room, but with swimming pool for below 4 euros/night). The food on the boat was surprisingly good and quite big portions were served. But I lacked a bit a verity, and I was looking forward to explore local markets. In Iquitos there are three markets. I went to the nearest one and found good looking menu for few soles (soup and the second dish meat rice and salad). I also came across fresh oranges juice and two new for me tropical fruits, which name I did not recall yet... Of course I tasted them. I went to the city center and walked in direction of second market.

In this place I came across freshly grilled fish, which smalled and looked so delicious that I could not resist it. The fish did not fit on my plate and it was served by freshly grilled platano. The cost of this meal was.... 1Euro and 20 cents and was seriously the best grilled river fish from the times of my Asian fishes. Extremely good meal. I was done with the eating for a day.

Next day morning I decided to check out the biggest market in town, and I started the day with a fruit juices. They were just great, for the first meal I took three juices glasses since they were delicious and coasted only....12 Euro cent a glass. Together with the juices I took three small rolls with egg. I went further on. It was burning hot so I ate two small pieces of watermelon and I was surprised that I came across sausage!!!! I have not seen one for weeks. I could not resist and I tried a piece. Than there was again a grilled fish. This time it was other type of the fish with grilled platano. On the way I got a freshly squeezed juice from pomelos and one big pine apple and one big Cherimoya for later.

After finishing those two fruits I was completely full for the rest of the day and for the half of the following one....
I love this type of food.

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